Above: Drawing for performance.
Above: Performance installation with film projection (upper right), live performace (lower left).

Above: Kitchen Kachina (right)
with Lamp Persona (left).

This is NOT a Love Letter
Performances, 1989-90

The room... open like a book...
it's my photo album...

The piece dealt with a woman growing older and walling herself into her memories. She reflects on her past life and finally succombs to her imagination.

... of blending into the wallpaper

... of becoming a part of the furniture

The piece began with images of the Berlin Wall, now only a memory itself, but a place that impressed me then as a momunent to voyeurism, an artifact covered with the scrawlings of desire, anger, longing and aggression. I thought of this writing as wallpaper (the walled city) and of what it would be like to wall one's self in, illustrating my room with the ramblings of my mind.

Top Row: Images from the
Table Ballet sequence

Bottom: Finale - "Standing Rib Roast"